Thursday, December 15, 2011

Geologic Time

The name of my period name is Ordovician. It was happen in 490 to 440 million years ago. Ordovician extinction  are of the five great mass extinction.During this period increase the oxygen level after drooping low at the Cambrian. The end of the Ordovician was the coldest times in earth history. The three types of rock during that time was Canning and its located to Australia, lake Winnipeg Manitoba was in Canada and the Mohawk valley was in USA.During that time the event was at this period of time the weather was warm and the atmosphere contained a lot of moisture and the glacier formed causing shallow sea to drain and sea level to drop. They are likely caused the mass extinction. At this time was entirely ocean. There was a lot of fishes.

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1. I most enjoyed about this project when we finding the pictures because I was finding the picture I think that I am playing the game. 
2. The most challenge was when we copy the link write title and date first I was too confuse so I think that was the challenge for me at first.
3. I think next time don't say to us that copy that link in reference because at first it was a lot hard and confusing me and shaking my head. or may be is their any activity opportunity beside to do glog and video for example paper sheet work 
4. I learned the reference sheet I mean copy the link, how to make video because I never did video in my life and I learned If you don't know the website name go to home and there will be the website name. 

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